An interview with Brigitte, our new MedtecBerater consultant
The year 2023 is only a few weeks old, yet it’s been all systems go for MedtecBerater. Not only has it seen the start of new partnerships, we have been looking for and recruiting new staff. Nonetheless, the search is still ongoing. But that’s not the end of it: all new team members have to be trained and certified by the customer before they are allowed to carry out inductions on medical products without assistance. We have written a blog article to explain how this works in a typical case.

Brigitte Gratz has been on board full-time since January. A trained medical assistant, she is 23, lives in Burgdorf near Hannover and swapped her daily routine at a doctor’s surgery for a chance to join our company. Now newly certified for one of our medical products, we caught up with her after three weeks of onboarding.
Welcome to MedtecBerater, Brigitte! Bring us up to speed: what is your medical background, where did you work before and how did you hear about us?
Of course, I’ll be happy to. I completed my training as a medical assistant in a general medical practice. I then moved on to a practice for internal medicine and a nephrology clinic. I was responsible for ensuring that the practice ran smoothly, from lab work such as taking blood samples, giving vaccinations and infusions to making appointments, billing and other administrative tasks. I came across the MedtecBerater website at the end of last year and wanted to find out more about the different assignments. As I enjoy new challenges and was looking for a change, I decided to apply on the spur of the moment.
An absolute stroke of luck for MedtecBerater. After the first few meetings – and given the increasingly high demand for our services – it was clear that we wanted you on our team full-time. How did you react? You weren’t expecting that, were you?
Definitely not. I soon realised that the tasks and the possibilities really appealed to me and that I have the right expertise. Being on the road a great deal, responsible for organising my working day myself – it’s a fantastic contrast to how I used to work. Personal contact with patients has always been important to me and it still plays a huge role, sometimes more intensively than in the past. But the real game-changer: I instantly felt at home with MedtecBerater. Bettina and I really hit it off from the start. We spoke at length on the phone and in video calls, then met up in person in Bad Oeynhausen. When the employment contract arrived in the mail, I didn’t hesitate for a second. Everything just clicked!

We can’t wait to hear what your first weeks as a MedtecBerater consultant were like!
Both exciting and challenging! To begin with, I sat in on scores of appointments with my colleagues and the customer. This allowed me to observe the experienced consultants, familiarise myself with the products and pick up a great deal in direct talks with patients. Nevertheless, the most important task was waiting at home. I had to knuckle down and learn an incredible amount to ensure I had specialised knowledge on the products at my fingertips. I almost slept with a manual under my pillow at night.
With great success, as we’ve been told. You obtained your certification, congratulations!
Thanks. Yes, that was such a feeling of relief. Now it’s official: I can hold inductions on my own, something I’m really proud of. The year could not have got off to a better start.
On a scale of one to ten, how nervous were you before your first assignment?
Oh, I’d say it was probably a 9. But only at first. I soon realised that I was comfortable in the situation and actually in my element. In terms of specialist knowledge, I was sure I had sufficient expertise on the product. Furthermore, the patient was extremely kind and understanding. When the induction was over and I came out of the clinic, I was totally exhausted from the mental effort. At the same time, I couldn’t stop smiling.
Yes, that’s the impression we get too. You look completely content and motivated.
I make a point of approaching unknown situations with a positive, open mindset. If something isn’t an immediate success, it makes me even more determined to get it right. I enjoy looking for solutions and exploring new paths. No two inductions are the same. The patients are different ages, some ask a lot more questions than others, many are also worried and anxious. I’m already excited at the prospect of responding to their individual needs, getting to know different personalities and adapting inductions on the spot.
Your daily routine as a MedtecBerater consultant is very different to that in your previous job. What aspects, if any, will you miss most? Perhaps the familiar environment, chatting to your colleagues on your coffee break or the regular working hours? Now you carry out most of your tasks on your own.
That’s true, but I don’t mind at all. Anyway, I work with plenty of different people, from the customers to the patients, not forgetting my colleagues at MedtecBerater. So I don’t feel alone at all. What’s more, I can always drink my coffee before or after an induction, while talking to a colleague on the phone, and chat about how it went or even just about the weather.
What do you consider the greatest challenge?
Once my onboarding is complete, I think the biggest challenges will be organising my days entirely on my own, making appointments and preparing assignments, combining trips, planning for contingencies, making sure I have everything I need with me, and so on.
Luckily, I can think on my feet and am pretty good at adapting to new circumstances. I’m quite used to organising all kinds of things, both at work and at home, so it should be fine. Over time, it’ll probably become routine. Experienced consultants have already given me some valuable tips. Having a team in the background definitely makes me feel more confident.
Startup versus doctor’s surgery – what surprised you, what were you not necessarily expecting?
I was hoping that joining MedtecBerater would give me greater flexibility and variety in my work, which is certainly the case so far. I was pleasantly surprised to see all the ways I can get involved and use my skills. There have been a few situations where workflows had to be modified and new solutions found. I was asked for my opinion and my assessment, which were taken on board. I’m aware that the structures aren’t all as fixed as they are in established companies, but that is an opportunity in itself. The shared experiences and openness towards the individual consultants motivates me even more. I’m delighted to be part of the team.
And we’re all the more thrilled to hear that, Brigitte! Thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Wishing you every success in your future assignments!