The history of the company

It all started in 2000, when I completed my training as a state registered nurse at Marienhospital Osnabrueck before moving on to Muenster University Hospital. For 18 years, I gained a great deal of experience in the field of anaesthesia and had the opportunity to flourish in a challenging working environment.

Working in an interdisciplinary team, caring for heterogeneous patients and dealing with highly complex medical products were part and parcel of my daily routine.
Why not capitalise on this knowledge by seizing the opportunity to use it in a self-employed capacity?

No sooner said than done. For seven years now, I have been freelancing, providing consulta-tions on behalf of medical technology companies. Thanks to my health care expertise, I am con-fident in dealing with patients, medical personnel and nursing staff. Safely handling the various complex medical products is a key element of my work. The tremendous satisfaction I get from my job keeps me going, no matter what time my alarm goes off or how far it is to the next pa-tient or the nearest clinic.

And so I couldn’t stop thinking: what if I started my own company? Followed my vision? De-fined my own corporate values? Opened up career prospects for nursing colleagues? Formed strategic partnerships with companies? Would I be able to do that? Is this the right time? In 2020, the answer to all these questions was yes and so I took the plunge.

I have been managing director of MedtecBerater UG since June 2020. Since then, things have really taken off. There is a huge demand for consulting services with regard to medical products. Positive cooperations resulted from my very first foray into customer acquisi-tion. At the same time, I used my long-term contacts in the fields of anaesthesia and intensive care to establish a pool of experienced and motivated staff for my company. With this fantastic team, we were able to launch the operative implementation of the first projects in July 2020.