Close to the customer in the middle of a pandemic
The Medtecberater consultants thrive on close customer relationships, personal contact and bedside inductions in the clinics. But in the middle of a pandemic? COVID-19 has proved to be extremely challenging, creating considerable uncertainty for us too. Overnight, routine became a thing of the past. All kinds of questions kept buzzing around our heads: how can we maintain a collaboration between medical device manufacturers and medical staff in hospitals that is founded on trust? How can we advise doctors and nursing staff? Above all, how can we ensure safe, reliable patient care, all during a pandemic?
It hit established manufacturers on the market like an earthquake, yet motivated us to roll up our sleeves and get to work. The telephone did not stop ringing and we received an avalanche of emails with new regulations and codes of conduct. Staying on top of things and keeping a cool head was a daily challenge! Every clinic had different guidelines, particularly in the early days. Show a negative COVID-19 test, take your temperature, wear a face mask, enter your contact details, keep your distance, have reception confirm your appointment, and so on…

Instead of burying our heads in the sand, we organized disinfectants and face masks even when supplies were short, got hold of lateral flow tests and kept in close contact with our representatives in the clinics. Advance planning? Not a hope. In many cases, depending on the local incidence rate, it wasn’t until the evening before that we would find out the requirements for enter-ing the clinic and carrying out the inductions the following day.
Now more than ever, our team had to show their true mettle, demonstrating their flexibility and reliability. So we accepted the new conditions, adapted our consulting concepts, trained small groups of patients only for each device and kept a positive outlook in the face of an unpredictable crisis. The appreciation of both the clinic staff and the patients kept us motivated: despite the difficult situation, we were sure of a warm welcome.
There was one good side, however! We were able to compensate for the delay resulting from the security checks by finding a parking space right away – one of the few advantages of the pandemic. (Anybody who has ever tried to find a hospital parking slot during the day will be able to relate!)
Looking back, it must be said that clinic doors were kept open for our MedtecBerater consultants, even at the peak of the pandemic. The often cited “New Normal” was to prove us right. Our clients set great store by having a professional partner at their side, offering flexible options to make resources available with a minimum of red tape.
Most MedtecBerater consultants are now double jabbed. Specific structures have been put in place. COVID-19 tests are still part and parcel of our routine and we take face masks for granted. The pandemic is not over yet. Nobody knows whether there will be another wave and how severe it will be. One thing is certain, however: MedtecBerater consultants make the best of every situation and find tailored solutions for our clients, employees and patients. Our number one priority – how could it be otherwise – is individual health.